Fit Forward

Fit Forward @ Lauren-Kate ONLINE PROGRAMME
Your nutrition and fun functional fitness programme FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS by trainer Lauren-Kate and dietitian Melissa Nel. No gym required.
Programme Includes:
- 4 Weeks of Low Impact Home Workouts
- Exercise Demonstration Videos for Every Workout
- Video Lessons about Nutrition by Dietitian
- Downloadable BodyGoals Meal Plan (Vegan Options Available)
- Access to the BodyGoals Community Private Facebook Group
- Bonus Lesson about Weight Loss
This Programme is Perfect for You if You Want to:
- (Re)start your fitness journey but don’t know where to start
- Is a complete beginner
- Want to fall in love with exercise
- Don’t want to exercising 6 times a week
What You Will Need
- A resistant band
- A yoga mat
- Two dumbbells
- A box/bench (about 30 – 50 cm high)
- Step (20 – 30 cm high)
Meet Lauren-Kate
After obtaining her Personal Trainer qualification Lauren-Kate has made it her mission to help as many people as possible to find the fun in fitness. Her motto: “Exercise should be enjoyable, accessible and it should serve you and your longevity. It is not simply about aesthetics but about you living a life that serves you better! Exercise is medicine.”
- Qualified Personal Trainer
- Experienced HIIT Instructor
- Special Interest: Functional Fitness

“Exercise should be enjoyable, accessible and it should serve you and your longevity. It is not simply about aesthetics but about you living a life that serves you better!”
– Lauren-Kate (@GymRomance)